Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dewey's Read-a-Thon Finished

Dewey's Read-a-Thon April 2012 has finished.

Did I reach my goals? Yes I did.

Goal 1: Last the entire 24 hours. I did that, I had a tough time around hour 20 but got over it and lasted till the finish line.

Goal 2: Read 3-4 books. I also did exactly that. I read 3 3/4 books, I am on 78% of my forth book and I intend to finish it later today after a wee sleep.
My books:
  1. The Tar-Aiym Krang by Alan Dean Foster 166 pages.
  2. Supernaturally by Kiersten White 357 pages
  3. Summer Knight by Jim Butcher 388 pages
  4. Chocolate Wishes by Trisha Ashley 390 pages
I read the top 4 books of my list which I am quite happy about and I took part in 2 mini-challenges.

I am already looking forward to October.


  1. Wow! Great job. Four books is very impressive. Me? I failed miserably, only ended up reading 8 hours or so, but I had fun. So, are you ready to start again tomorrow for Spring into Horror? I am! I do much better at week long read-a-thons. =O)

  2. Way to go! I have only made it 24 hours one time and I have done 9 of these.
