Challenges 2014

Finished Challenges 2014

I haven't quite finished updating this page yet. I will get there.

January 2014

2013 Christmas Spirit Reading Challenge hosted by Michelle at The True Book Addict.

My goal was read 6 books and watch some films.
I read 9 books for this challenge and watched 1 normal length Christmas film and 2 short Christmas films.

My posts for this challenge.

Crazy Challenge Connection RaT #19 hosted by Crazy Challenge Connection on Goodreads.

My goal was to read 3 books for the week but I managed to read 7.

My posts for this challenge.


Bout of Books 9.0 hosted by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal.

My goal for this week was to read 4 books and I completed it by reading 5½ books.

My posts for this challenge.


February 2014

A Winter's Respite Read-a-Thon hosted by .

My goal was to read 3 books. Unfortunately I only managed 2½.

My posts for this challenge.

2014 What An Animal Reading Challenge VII hosted by Socrates' Book Reviews.

My goal for this challenge was to do level 1: read up to 6 books. I read 8 and if I had continued at that point I would more than have reached level 3 of 13 books.

 My posts for this challenge.

March 2014

 Dansk Readathon hosted by Simone fra Boghjørnet.

My goal was to read 3 books as I knew I couldn't take part in all 24 hours.
I managed 3½ books.

 My posts for this challenge.

Ten Book Author Train Challenge hosted by Nothing But Reading Challenges.

I reached my goal of matching 10 authors by first letter in first name and last letter in surname.

 My posts for this challenge.

2014 Women Challenge hosted by Peek a booK!.

My goal was to read 20+ books by Women authors. I stopped counting at 23 but have read a lot since.

My posts for this challenge.

Crazy Challenge Connection 2014 RaT #2 hosted by Crazy Challenge Connection on Goodreads.
My goal was to read 3 books for February and a couple for March. I more than achieved my goal with 8 books read.

 My posts for this challenge.

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