You are:
1) Nick
2) cursed
3) afraid all the time
1) suffer
2) die
3) amuse your tormentor
That is, unless you figure out how to manipulate the person behind this and turn their power against them. Check your list a second time because they're probably on it. The only thing left to do is scratch them off. From Goodreads.
I chose this book because it was a Bram Stoker Award Nominee for Best Novel (2009) and it sounded interesting.
It was interesting but I didn't find it scary. Yes, it is very scary to Nick and his friend Cecily who are cursed in different ways. It seems like small curses but at the same time it is devastating curses as it completely disrupts their daily life. There is also a lot of humour in the book and I really like the end.
Definitely a book to read but I don't think it is going to give me a nightmare. I will edit this post tomorrow if I have a nightmare.
This book qualifies for:
100 books in a year Reading Challenge 2012,
Goodreads 2012 Reading Challenge,
2012 Ebook Challenge,
Spring Into Horror Read-a-Thon
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