As Kelsier's protégé and slayer of the Lord Ruler she is now venerated by a budding new religion, a distinction that makes her intensely uncomfortable. Even more worrying, the mists have begun behaving strangely since the Lord Ruler died, and seem to harbor a strange vaporous entity that haunts her.
Stopping assassins may keep Vin's Mistborn skills sharp, but it's the least of her problems. Luthadel, the largest city of the former empire, doesn't run itself, and Vin and the other members of Kelsier's crew, who lead the revolution, must learn a whole new set of practical and political skills to help. It certainly won't get easier with three armies - one of them composed of ferocious giants - now vying to conquer the city, and no sign of the Lord Ruler's hidden cache of atium, the rarest and most powerful allomantic metal.
As the siege of Luthadel tightens, an ancient legend seems to offer a glimmer of hope. But even if it really exists, no one knows where to find the Well of Ascension or what manner of power it bestows. From Goodreads.
This is a brilliant second book in a series. There are still lots of things happening and surprises around every corner. Nothing is as it seems. I am looking forward to reading the last book in this trilogy. I know there are now more books in this series but the newer books take place 300 years later.
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Goodreads 2013 Reading Challenge
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2013 Paranormal Reading Challenge (magic)
2013 Mammoth Book Challenge (765 pages)
Let Me Count the Ways Reading Challenge 2013 (765 pages)
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