Goal: Yes, it is that month again. My birthday month! So, I’m taking over this month’s challenge. Choose your books from the “Ten Things That Are On My Mind” categories below.
Duration: September 1 - 30, 2013
Going to the Party: 1-3 books“Wild Card”: Since I'm the “Archduchess of Audio,” I have the power to grant you two “Wild Card”* options. Replace any two categories below with whatever you like, as long as you listen to it on audio.
Dancing All Night: 4-7 books
Greeting the Sunrise: 8-10 books
CATEGORIES: Ten Things That Are On My Mind.
• Latest Kick...Wrapped Up in Mysteries: I’ve been reading more mysteries lately.
Choose a book from this genre. Or, if you read the dead tree version, wrap up several
books in the same paper (making them all look exactly alike), shuffle them, and then
a week later pick one to read.
• Blue: My favorite color is blue. Read a book with a cover that is predominately blue.
Check out listopia !
• “V” is for...: I’ve gone vegan! It has been a whole year now. Wow. It might be
hard to find a book with a character who has chosen a plant-based lifestyle,
so read a book with a “V” in the title, or by an author with a first or last name that
starts with “V.”
• This Kitchen is Green Powered: Since green is the official color of vegans,
and I love to cook, read a book with a cover that is predominately green. Or where
the main character is a chef.
• Love That Dress!: I started a shelf entitled love-that-dress. Not much on it, yet,
so help me add to it by reading a book that shows a beautiful dress.
• Animals: I’m an animal lover. Read a book with one on the cover.
(It does NOT have to be a book about that animal.)
• Beach, Mountains, Desert: I really need to sell my house and move to something
smaller. But where to retire? The beach, the mountains, the desert? Help me by picking
a book depicting any one of these locals.
• Do You Know Jack?: My favorite hero is Jack Travis in Smooth Talking Stranger,
by Lisa Kleypas. Read a book with a character named Jack in it. Or one written by a Jack.
• Challenge Book: I love challenges on GRs, making them and participating in them.
Read a book that is the first one for a new challenge, or helps you finish off one.
• One More Time: I love to reread my favorite books, often by audio. Revisit one of
your favorites. Or try a book via this media delivery system.
My Gift to You: I’m giving each of you, whether or not you join this challenge, an Extension "Gift Card" for NBRC Challenges. You may use it on this challenge, or any other NBRC challenge you are working on, extending it by one month. This includes monthly, seasonal, yearly, even a “You Set the Pace” one that you underestimated your time.

I have decided to do the level: Greeting the Sunrise: 8-10 books
I have a few books lined up but they might change.
• Latest Kick...Wrapped Up in Mysteries:The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler
• Blue: The Weirdstone of Brisingamen by Alan Garner
• “V” is for...:Vegan, Virgin, Valentine by Carolyn Mackler
• This Kitchen is Green Powered:
• Love That Dress!:
• Animals: The Owl Service by Alan Garner
• Beach, Mountains, Desert: Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey
• Do You Know Jack?: Killing Floor by Lee Child
• Challenge Book: The Mad Ship by Robin Hobb I would like to finish my Tea & Books Challenge
• One More Time: The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice
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