Så da hendes tante Phoebe inviterer hende ned til sig i Cornwall, er Prue ikke sen til at acceptere. I toget møder hun Charlottte, en pige der er på vej til den samme lille by, og som også kender Phoebe.
Prues ferie får et uventet indhold. Hun møder den uforudsigelige kunstner, Daniel, der betager hende med sit livssyn. Han har som ganske ung boet i Phoebes hus og er nu, efter mange år, vendt tilbage. Her i Phoebes hus stilles han ansigt til ansigt med sin fortid.
I centrum af handlingen står Phoebe med det store hjerte, der har plads til dem alle, og rammerne udgøres af det dejlige Cornwall-landskab. From the backcover
Celebrate life's journeys with the beloved author whose stories of life and love have touched the world.Return to the sun-drenched settings of The Shell Seekers and the rich emotion of Coming Home, as Rosamunde Pilcher takes you on an unforgettable journey of the heart. It is the passage of a young woman from a relationship that has become too tame and predictable to the excitement of a new life brimming with possibilities and the thrilling promise of love. And along the way, all the hopes, secrets, and desires that enrich us unite a joyous carousel of life that only Rosamunde Pilcher can create. From Goodreads
I have just moved and as I was tidying up some of my books I saw this and decided to read it. My edition of the book is a paperback of only 159 pages so I read in within a few hours.
I like the relationship Prue has with her aunt Phoebe and I like the cosiness of the small village in Cornwall. The story is predictable but that is okay.
This book qualifies for:
100 books in a year Reading Challenge 2012,
Goodreads 2012 Reading Challenge,
A-Z Book Challenge 2012
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