Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April 2012 Update

I have read 16 books and 2 short stories in the month of April. Thanks to the two Read-a-Thon's I have taken part in. Dewey's 24 hour Read-a-Thon where I read 3½ books and Spring Into Horror Read-a-Thon hosted by Michelle at The True Book Addict, that took place over last the week and I read 6 books for this.

  1. Sowing Secrets by Trisha Ashley 
  2. The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness 
  3. The Ask and The Answer 
  4. Restoration of Faith by Jim Butcher (short story) 
  5. The New World by Patrick Ness  (short story) 
  6. That’s Another Story: The Autobiography by Julie Walters 
  7. Neuromancer by William Gibson 
  8. Paranormalcy by Kiersten White 
  9. The Tar-aiym Krang by Alan Dean Foster 
  10. Supernaturally by Kiersten White 
  11. Summer Knight by Jim Butcher 
  12. Chocolate Wishes by Trisha Ashley 
  13. Cursed by Jeremy C. Shipp 
  14. The Howling by Gary Bradner
  15. Indigo by Orphelia Keys 
  16. Turner by Karl Drinkwater 
  17. Ivory by Steven Merrifield 
  18. The Green King by Stephanie Parker
 THIS is where all my posts from April is.

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